The concept of Account-Based Everything (ABX) — Dmitri Lisitski // Influ2

Dmitri Lisitski, Co-Founder and CEO at Influ2, delves into the future of ABM and account-based everything. Marketers have traditionally viewed MQLs as the endpoint of their role in the sales process. However, the reality is that the journey begins when potential buyers express interest, requiring ongoing support throughout the entire lifecycle of the sales process. Today, Dmitri discusses the concept of Account-Based Everything.
About the speaker

Dmitri Lisitski


 - Influ2

Dmitri is Co-Founder and CEO at Influ2

Show Notes

  • 02:49
    The concept of Account Based Everything
    Account Based Everything' extends beyond marketing to partnerships with sales and customer support for lifecycle revenue marketing. For sales-driven organizations selling to large enterprises, aligning teams through revenue is key for successful ABM or ABX programs.
  • 09:39
    Marketing and sales alignment for ABM success
    Aligning sales and marketing requires a shift from focusing on shared accounts to specific individuals, ensuring a more targeted approach. Marketing must move beyond just handing off MQLs to embracing a continuous support role throughout the entire sales lifecycle.
  • 10:25
    Enhancing sales and marketing partnerships with engagement data
    While marketers shouldn't dictate sales actions, they possess valuable engagement signals. These signals, such as email opens and ad clicks, can guide sales on who to contact and what to say, ultimately contributing to greater success in closing deals and achieving quotas.


  • "The key to any successful ABM or ABX program and aligning marketing and sales is revenue." - Dmitri Lisitski

  • "Marketing needs to change how they think about their metrics and goals. It must continue supporting the sales process after the MQL stage, throughout the full lifecycle." - Dmitri Lisitski

  • "Every day, salespeople wake up asking what they should do to close more deals and hit their quotas. Every engagement signal that marketing has in their database can help answer this question." - Dmitri Lisitski

About the speaker

Dmitri Lisitski


 - Influ2

Dmitri is Co-Founder and CEO at Influ2

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