The best path forward for marketers with the elimination of 3rd-party data

VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind, Tim Glomb, delves into the realm of competitive intelligence and marketing strategies. Discover how understanding your competitors can enhance your marketing efforts and the importance of identifying your brand differentiators. Join Tim as he shares insights on navigating the evolving landscape of marketing post the elimination of 3rd-party data.
About the speaker

Tim Glomb


 - Wunderkind

Tim is VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Is 3rd party data going away or becoming less useful?
    Discussion on the future of 3rd-party data and its relevance in marketing strategies.
  • 02:15
    Impact of eliminating 3rd party data on targeting strategies.
    Exploring how the absence of 3rd-party data influences marketers' approaches to targeting and personalization.
  • 04:45
    Role of 'zero party' data as a counter measure.
    Examining the potential of 'zero-party' data in the post-3rd-party data era for marketing strategies.
  • 06:20
    Potential fallback to traditional marketing channels.
    Considering the possibility of reverting to traditional marketing methods due to changes in data availability.
  • 08:10
    Leveraging innovative approaches without 3rd party data.
    Exploring alternative strategies for marketers to understand and connect with their target audience in the absence of 3rd-party data.


  • "My prediction is that cookies are going away." - Tim Glomb

  • "There's a lot of different software players that will help you acquire first party data and zero party data at scale." - Tim Glomb

  • "There are other partners that have data that can help you still reach people without cookies. And what I'm really talking about is identity resolution." - Tim Glomb

  • “First party cookies are not going away. Third party cookies through the Google ecosphere are going away for remarketing and tracking, unknown. But that first party server side cookie is always going to persist.” - Tim Glomb

  • “B2B needs to actually catch up; and there's some industries that need to catch up. For example, I think travel and hospitality is five years behind retail and e-commerce.” - Tim Glomb

  • “The larger the organization when it comes to software or tool or intelligence around empowering B2B, the less innovation you're going to see.” - Tim Glomb

About the speaker

Tim Glomb


 - Wunderkind

Tim is VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind

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