Relationships between marketing functions & company growth — Melissa Sargeant // AlphaSense

Melissa Sargeant, CMO at AlphaSense, delves into marketing functions, company growth, and the evolutions of marketing intelligence. Marketing is not just about selling; it's about understanding and meeting customer needs, building strong relationships, and creating value. When executed strategically, marketing has the power to propel a company to new heights, fostering not only customer loyalty but also sustainable growth. Today, Melissa discusses the relationship between marketing functions and company growth
About the speaker

Melissa Sargeant


 - AlphaSense

Melissa is CMO at AlphaSense

Show Notes

  • 02:15
    The role of marketing functions in company growth
    Marketing functions include demand generation, brand and comms, customer marketing, and product marketing. All of these functions must work together in order to drive growth for a company.
  • 05:47
    Building a successful company growth engine
    Your website is the engine, and the channels at the top of the funnel fuel the engine, getting people to the website. Your website must provide a personalized experience, demonstrating that you understand prospect pains and have a solution that can help them solve those problems.
  • 09:55
    The importance of personalized customer experiences and attribution in growth
    Similar to consumer shopping, B2B customers expect a personalized experience on your website. Attribution helps track touchpoints and program effectiveness, making it easier to justify marketing budgets and quantifiably demonstrate what marketing delivers for the business.
  • 13:06
    The value of brand in customer growth
    A strong brand is essential for customer growth as it builds recognition, trust, and amplifies an organization's presence. It's not just about advertising but also having a unified, consistent, and memorable message across the organization's functions.
  • 16:44
    Leveraging past performance to guide future decision making
    It's crucial to assess your program holistically, drawing insights from past efforts to guide future program strategies. Today, we have the tools, data, and technology to do so efficiently and effectively.


  • "People shop for software today in the same way they shop for cars. They're looking at reviews and your website. Your website must give them enough information to earn the right to talk to them about your solution." - Melissa Sargeant

  • "B2B customers demand a personalized experience just like they get in consumer shopping. The first time they engage with your brand, you must prove that you understand their pain and the problem they're trying to solve." - Melissa Sargeant

  • "If brand is saying something different at a high level than the content team is saying within demand generation, you're not going to get the lift." - Melissa Sargeant

  • "Brand is multifaceted. It's having a message that's memorable, repeatable, and that everybody in the company is aligned to so everybody is a brand ambassador." - Melissa Sargeant

About the speaker

Melissa Sargeant


 - AlphaSense

Melissa is CMO at AlphaSense

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