Successfully tracking Gen Z online habits

Jennifer Silverberg, CEO at SmartCommerce, delves into the intricacies of successfully tracking Gen Z online habits.
About the speaker

Jennifer Silverberg


 - SmartCommerce

Jennifer is CEO at SmartCommerce

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Understanding the unique online habits of Gen Z.
    Discussion on how Gen Z individuals interact with influencers and their preferred platforms.
  • 02:15
    Key metrics for targeting Gen Z through influencer campaigns.
    Exploring specific data points crucial for successful influencer campaigns targeting Gen Z.
  • 04:45
    Leveraging platforms to engage Gen Z effectively.
    Insights on platforms and channels preferred by Gen Z for engagement and marketing strategies.
  • 06:20
    Personalization and authenticity in Gen Z influencer marketing.
    The role of personalization and authenticity in influencer marketing efforts targeting Gen Z.
  • 08:10
    Adapting influencer commerce strategies for Gen Z.
    Strategies to stay relevant and resonate with the evolving preferences of Gen Z consumers.


  • "[Gen Zs] like mail. They don't like email. They like actual physical mail. They like real experiences. They are going to events at a much, much higher rate, and they're interacting with each other IRL in those events. And if you can be present there, you have an opportunity to create an emotional connection that they're missing through social media." - Jennifer Silverberg

  • "For a lot of the brands, the lifetime value of a Gen Z is huge right now. So they can afford to overinvest in creating that relationship and setting that relationship early, both through social and through other mechanisms." - Jennifer Silverberg

  • "You think of a store as a place you go to buy a thing, they think of their phone as a place where you go to buy a thing." -Jennifer Silverberg

  • [Gen Zs] have the shortest attention spans of anyone. So I would say you have to make sure that your conversion methodology [...] has to be right there because they are on to the next thing.

About the speaker

Jennifer Silverberg


 - SmartCommerce

Jennifer is CEO at SmartCommerce

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