Influencer marketing graduating to the boardroom

COO at Linqia, Daniel Schotland, discusses the evolution of influencer marketing and its impact on business strategies. In this episode, Daniel shares his perspective on where we are today with influencer marketing, what is driving the shift of focus toward influencers, and how to evaluate the overall efficacy of an influencer marketing campaign.
About the speaker

Daniel Schotland


 - Linqia

Daniel is COO at Linqia

State of Influencer Marketing Report

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Discussing the impact of AI on influencer marketing.
    Exploring how artificial intelligence is transforming influencer marketing strategies and content creation.
  • 05:45
    Leveraging AI for influencer selection and engagement.
    Examining how AI is used to identify and engage with influencers based on brand values and target audience.
  • 10:20
    Ethical considerations in AI driven influencer marketing.
    Exploring the challenges and ethical boundaries marketers face when using AI tools in influencer marketing strategies.


  • “We call ourselves an influencer marketing company because creator marketing isn't really a thing, No one refers to it as such.” - Daniel Schotland

  • “Influencer marketing or working with content creators, as a brand, is probably the best way to authentically connect with an audience today, cutting through the noise of what would typically be a brand ad or asset or a brand voice communicating to that audience.” - Daniel Schotland

  • “[Content creators have] become not just a nice-to-have for a brand, but they've really become a must-have.” - Daniel Schotland

  • “Influencers are able to cut through the noise in a unique way, in their organic distribution of content.” - Daniel Schotland

  • “We're seeing budgets being cut out of paid social to go to organic content creation for influencers.” - Daniel Schotland

About the speaker

Daniel Schotland


 - Linqia

Daniel is COO at Linqia

State of Influencer Marketing Report
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