How to determine newsworthiness — Shama Hyder // Zen Media

Shama Hyder, Founder and CEO of Zen Media, explores artificial intelligence and public relations. Press releases are powerful tools for sparking interest in your brand. However, not all press releases are created equal, and the key to their effectiveness lies in their newsworthiness. Today, Shama discusses how to determine newsworthiness
About the speaker

Shama Hyder

Zen Media

 - Zen Media

Shama is Founder and CEO of Zen Media

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Show Notes


  • "Clarity, originality, and adherence to style guides like APA are essential aspects of effective communication, and it's surprising how many releases fail to follow these fundamental principles." - Shama Hyder

  • "To turn something seemingly unnewsworthy into a story, consider creating an event or experience around it. If that's not possible, make the messages as clear, crafty, and clever as you can without doing something novel." - Shama Hyder

  • "Creativity is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the better your chances of striking gold." - Shama Hyder

About the speaker

Shama Hyder

Zen Media

 - Zen Media

Shama is Founder and CEO of Zen Media

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