How publishers can monetize their audience with this alternative to cookie tracking — Shiv Gupta // U of Digital

Shiv Gupta, Founder and CEO of U of Digital, explores some alternative tracking methods that can help you monetize your audience. The data landscape has been transformed by CCPA, GDPR, And Apple and Google doing away with cookies. Now, publishers and marketers must face the task of unlocking audience monetization through alternative tracking methods. Today, Shiv discusses how publishers can monetize their audience with alternatives to cookie tracking.
About the speaker

Shiv Gupta

U of Digital

 - U of Digital

Shiv is the Founder and CEO of U of Digital

Show Notes

  • 02:38
    Strategic opportunities for publishers in the absence of cookies
    The phasing out of cookies presents an opportunity for publishers to regain control and increase their share of the revenue in the long term. Publishers must decide how to engage with new ID solutions to ensure theyre generating short-term revenue and regaining control in the long term.
  • 06:36
    Monetization strategies for publishers in the post cookie era
    Premium publishers may choose to withhold their data from ad tech companies and leverage their exclusive inventory and user base as cookies go away. Smaller publishers reliant on programmatic ad revenue may cooperate with ad tech companies for data exchange.
  • 08:53
    Strategic considerations in the transition from cookies
    Marketers and publishers need to develop a strategy to maximize the value derived from their data and inventory. The future will contain multiple IDs, so its essential to identify those that drive the most value for the business and customers while avoiding those that diminish value.
  • 11:06
    The search for post cookie identity solutions
    There are over 120 ID solutions being pushed in the market currently, but none with a definitive answer due to the uncertainty of the industry. Players like LiveRamp could become a prominent ID solution, but the future will still consist of multiple IDs coexisting.


  • "The key thing is to first realize there's not going to be one flavor in the future where cookies are going away. So, we're going to have multiple IDs in the future." -Shiv Gupta, Founder, U of Digital

  • "How do you figure out which IDs drive up the value for you and your customers the most? And how do you figure out which IDs are sucking value away from your business? And maybe stay away from those?" -Shiv Gupta, Founder, U of Digital

  • "There are 120+ ID solutions being peddled in the marketplace right now. And all of those ID solutions have their own permutations of different variables and their own mousetrap." -Shiv Gupta, Founder, U of Digital

About the speaker

Shiv Gupta

U of Digital

 - U of Digital

Shiv is the Founder and CEO of U of Digital

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