How Marketing Mix Modeling unlocks scale & Incrementality — Rohit Maheswaran // Lifesight

Rohit Maheswaran, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Lifesight, explores market mix modeling and modern media buying in an age of online privacy. Marketing mix modeling has been around since the '60s, used primarily by larger companies with statisticians and data scientists. While the advent of individual-level tracking in the late 2010s led to its decline, marketing mix modeling is reemerging in popularity as individual-level tracking becomes more difficult to accurately measure. Today, Rohit discusses how marketing mix modeling unlocks scale and better budgeting decisions.
About the speaker

Rohit Maheswaran


 - Lifesight

Rohit is Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Lifesight.

Show Notes

  • 02:51
    Lifesight's recent growth
    In the past six months, Lifesight has experienced fantastic growth, with its new product line gaining traction. They've transitioned from third-party marketing measurement to a focus on first-party measurements and introduced modern AI techniques for marketing measurements.
  • 03:35
    Marketing mix modeling and its evolution
    While overshadowed by click and view-based attribution, marketing mix modeling remains valuable for evaluating media channel impact on KPIs in both online and offline marketing. Cloud-based AI capabilities have democratized its accessibility.
  • 05:39
    Factors driving the resurgence of marketing mix modeling
    MMM's significance has grown with GDPR, iOS 14 changes, and browser-based limitations that hinder one-to-one tracking and measurement accuracy. The model utilizes historical spend and sales data, and external factors like competitor promotions for optimized budget allocation.
  • 07:31
    How marketing mix modeling works
    MMM is a statistical prediction model that incorporates ad channels, ad stock, and saturation and uses historical aggregated data, external factors, and machine learning models to provide custom insights. The process enables marketers to adjust scenarios and adapt quickly to changing needs.
  • 11:19
    The role of marketing mix modeling in the martech analytics stack
    MMM is used for budget reallocation, followed by campaign execution, data activation, attribution, and daily optimization. The process is completed with experiments to validate the impact, creating a feedback loop for more accurate budget allocation and measurement.
  • 13:52
    Challenges in adopting marketing mix modeling
    Convincing modern marketers who are accustomed to attribution about the value of probabilistic models is a significant challenge. Data accessibility and quality also pose obstacles, but the growing availability of MMM tools is changing the landscape.
  • 15:44
    The ideal data setup for marketing mix modeling
    A business usually needs a year of data, a monthly marketing spend of $50,000, and three or more marketing channels. Data can be connected directly or through platforms like Google Sheets, allowing for data flow and model calibration to optimize budget allocation.


  • "Marketing mix modeling supplements decision-making by incorporating various data inputs, including spend, conversions, competitor activities, events, and organic data, to optimize budget allocation." - Rohit Maheswaran

  • "Marketing mix modeling measures the true influence of media channels, online and offline, beyond click-based or view-based attribution." - Rohit Maheswaran

  • "Traditional methodologies have evolved, with cloud-based AI capabilities enabling faster marketing mix model outputs for even non-technical or non-marketing analytics users." -Rohit Maheswaran

  • "For effective marketing mix modeling, you typically need at least a year's worth of data and a monthly marketing spend of around $50,000, with more than three channels. Otherwise, attribution tools make more sense." - Rohit Maheswaran

  • "In a cloud or software-based environment, you have the flexibility to quickly adapt and assess the incremental sales impact of budget changes, without being locked into a costly and static model." - Rohit Maheswaran

About the speaker

Rohit Maheswaran


 - Lifesight

Rohit is Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Lifesight.

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