How AI is impacting influencer marketing & content

COO at Linqia, Daniel Schotland, delves into the impact of AI on influencer marketing and content. In this episode, Daniel shares his perspectives on the influence of AI on influencer marketing, other ways AI is impacting influencer marketing, and AI versus a human in an influencer marketing campaign.
About the speaker

Daniel Schotland


 - Linqia

Daniel is COO at Linqia

State of Influencer Marketing Report

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Revolutionizing influencer identification and engagement with AI.
    Discussed how AI is transforming the process of finding and interacting with influencers in marketing strategies.
  • 05:45
    Successful AI applications in influencer marketing for audience engagement.
    Examples of how AI has been effectively used in influencer marketing to boost audience engagement and conversion rates.
  • 10:20
    Ethical considerations and challenges in leveraging AI for influencer marketing.
    Exploring the potential ethical dilemmas and challenges marketers face when using AI tools in influencer marketing strategies.


  • "Are real human breathing influencers going the way of the dodo? Probably not." - Daniel Schotland

  • "What's interesting is: creat[ing] or influenc[ing] is really a combination of art and science." - Daniel Schotland

  • "We leverage AI as a means to search for and understand what is performing organically, what are the right narratives, what are their content archetypes, and specific content attributes to inform the actual brief." - Daniel Schotland

  • I do think, as I mentioned before, there is a potential role for AI-based non-human influencers.” - Daniel Schotland

  • “Who are the top 10 AI influencers, and they're out there? One or two of them are photorealistic, the vast majority of them are kind of animated in some way. It feels a little gimmicky.” - Daniel Schotland

About the speaker

Daniel Schotland


 - Linqia

Daniel is COO at Linqia

State of Influencer Marketing Report
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