Giving chatbots a brain to increase CX

Founder/CEO/Chief Scientist at AGI Innovations &, Peter Voss, discusses the advancement of chatbots by giving them a "brain" to enhance customer experience. Over the past 15 years, has been perfecting a highly intelligent and hyper-personalized Chatbot for large enterprise customers, focusing on cognitive AI technology.
About the speaker

Peter Voss


Peter is Founder/CEO/Chief Scientist at AGI Innovations &

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Enhancing chatbot capabilities through cognitive AI technology.
    Discussion on how cognitive AI technology improves chatbots' understanding and responsiveness to customer inquiries.
  • 05:15
    Overcoming challenges in implementing chatbot powered hyper personalization.
    Insights on common obstacles faced by businesses and strategies to effectively address them.
  • 10:45
    Role of natural language processing (NLP) in chatbot intelligence.
    Explanation of how NLP equips chatbots with the necessary intelligence for meaningful customer interactions.


  • "If you really want to get to true AGI, to human level AI, you need to start with understanding what intelligence requires; and one of the things that absolutely requires is the ability to learn interactively in real time." - Peter Voss

  • "In our company, half of our staff are what we call AI psychologists." - Peter Voss

  • "Because our models are much smaller and contain the knowledge already organized in a sort of hierarchical way, [...] it needs a lot less computational power." - Peter Voss

  • "A lot of people talk about AGI being bigger than electricity and I would agree it's going to be a really big deal once we have it." - Peter Voss

  • “The reason I'm so excited about AGI and I've dedicated the last 20 plus years to it is the tremendous benefit to humanity that AGI will bring.” - Peter Voss

  • “People need to get used to working using AI and to introduce it and to spread that across the world so that people all over the world can benefit from it.” - Peter Voss

  • “Definitely, people need to be wary of how they use chat GPT and large language models right now, and to what extent they can trust them.” - Peter Voss

About the speaker

Peter Voss


Peter is Founder/CEO/Chief Scientist at AGI Innovations &

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