Fueling fandom & creating better advertising experiences

Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Donaton from Versus, an innovative entertainment and technology company specializing in transforming audience engagement using proprietary AI. Scott delves into the realm of competitive intelligence and marketing strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding competitors to enhance your marketing business. Discover how engaging with perceived competitors can help identify your brand differentiators and elevate your marketing approach. Fueling fandom & creating better advertising experiences is the focus of today's discussion with Scott Donaton.
About the speaker

Scott Donaton


 - Versus

Scott is Chief Marketing Officer at Versus

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Transforming audience engagement & consumer evolution
    Discussion on leveraging AI to gamify content for interactive fandom.
  • 00:45
    Fueling fandom & creating better advertising experiences
    Exploring how brands can tap into fan communities for authentic engagements.
  • 02:15
    How consumer engagement is evolving
    Evolution of consumer engagement strategies in the digital landscape.


  • "No brand in the media space should define itself by a platform, first and foremost." - Scott Donaton

  • "The advertising experience remains, for the most part, an interruptive, intrusive experience where a brand basically interrupts the content you're trying to consume and want to consume, waves its hands in front of your face and talks about itself. And we know that audiences don't love that." - Scott Donaton

  • "So many brands still fall back on the model that has admittedly worked for over 100 years now, which is an interruptive intrusive model" - Scott Donaton

  • “When brands really start to think about why they exist and the role they actually play in people's lives, there's always a more interesting story that's not about the product they make and how much it costs and why you should try it.” - Scott Donaton

  • [At Versus], we have extremely high click-through rates compared to industry averages, 2.1% and higher. - Scott Donaton

  • “We're not using AI to replace human content creation. We're using AI to take the content that people are creating and enhance it.” - Scott Donaton

About the speaker

Scott Donaton


 - Versus

Scott is Chief Marketing Officer at Versus

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