Effective mobile marketing & attribution

President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer, Brian Quinn, delves into effective mobile marketing and attribution strategies. By leveraging advanced measurement, data analytics, and privacy-preserving technologies, AppsFlyer assists brands in making informed decisions for their business and customers. Explore more about AppsFlyer's innovative solutions and how they empower creators and technology partners to enhance customer relationships at www.appsflyer.com.
About the speaker

Brian Quinn


 - AppsFlyer

Brian is President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Importance of mobile first strategies in marketing.
    Discussing the significance of prioritizing mobile platforms over traditional methods.
  • 03:45
    Challenges in accurately attributing conversions in mobile marketing.
    Exploring the common difficulties marketers face when attributing conversions in the mobile marketing space.
  • 07:20
    Role of cross device tracking in understanding customer journeys.
    Understanding how cross-device tracking and attribution models contribute to comprehending customer journeys and the effectiveness of mobile marketing efforts.


  • "The last several years have been very difficult in general for mobile marketers. There's so much change from every direction, and it's constant, and I don't think there's any reason to think that it's going to slow down." - Brian Quinn

  • "Every year, 10% more people say yes to [app tracking]." - Brian Quinn

  • "LLMs are very exciting. A lot of apps are leveraging them." - Brian Quinn

  • “From a technical perspective, cookies aren't a major factor in most pure mobile marketing campaigns." - Brian Quinn

About the speaker

Brian Quinn


 - AppsFlyer

Brian is President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer

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