Don’t sleep on retail media networks

CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), Scott McDonald, discusses the reasons marketers should not sleep on retail media networks. The growing influence of retail media networks on marketing strategies is the basis of today’s episode. Scott highlights their potential for short-term gains, emphasizing the value of first-party data relationships in targeting specific audiences more effectively.
About the speaker

Scott McDonald

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

 - The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Scott is CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Show Notes

  • 00:04
    Marketing trends, attention measurement, and retail media networks.
    Marketers are leveraging attention to drive business results through performance advertising and post-sale marketing.
  • 06:19
    Retail media networks' impact on advertising and business longevity.
    Discusses growth in retail media networks, potential cannibalization of other sectors, and long-term impact on brand equity.


  • "When we get to digital marketing, a company like Amazon is making a lot of money on advertising because they are bidding higher placement of their product." - Scott McDonald

  • "Uber just announced 1.2 billion or something in revenue from its advertising business." - Scott McDonald

  • "There's been, I think, a deleterious shift toward short termism in marketing, coincident with the movement toward performance marketing that we view as being dangerous over the long term for many companies." - Scott McDonald

About the speaker

Scott McDonald

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

 - The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Scott is CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

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