Career Day: Going from CPG to Tech Startups (Jeffery Ouyang // Zumper)

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Today we're going to discuss career development in marketing and technology with Jeffrey Ouyang, who is the manager of paid acquisition at Zumper, a real estate rental search engine. Prior to working at Zumper, Jeffrey has worked in a variety of different marketing roles for various startups in Silicon Valley, building out his toolkit along the way.
About the speaker


Jeffery Onyang

 - Jeffery Onyang

Jeffrey is the Manager of Paid Acquisition at Zumper, a real estate rental search engine.

  • Part 1 Career Day: Going from CPG to Tech Startups (Jeffery Ouyang // Zumper)

Show Notes

  • Benjamin: Welcome back to the MarTech podcast. This podcast is sponsored by Searchmetrics. Searchmetric sets, the standard for innovation and the content and search engine optimization industry. They support businesses who care about understanding both how to use content as a marketing channel and how to improve organic rankings. In Google, if you're an enterprise level marketer, the searchmetrics suite of software and services will help you optimize your existing content, help you understand what topics you need to cover next, and how to ensure that your writers produce effective content. There are billions of google searches happening every day and searchmetrics gets your stories to the top today.
    Benjamin: Today we're going to discuss career development in the technology industry as a marketer. With us is Jeffrey Ouyang, who is the manager of paid acquisition at Zumper, a real estate rental search engine. Prior to working at Zumper, Jeffrey has worked in a variety of different marketing roles for various startups in Silicon Valley and in this episode Jeffrey's going to walk us through the various skills that he's learned while working at those early stage startups. Here is our interview with Jeffrey Ouyang from Zumper. Jeff, great to have you here. Welcome to the MarTech podcast.
  • Part 1 Career Day: Going from CPG to Tech Startups (Jeffery Ouyang // Zumper)
About the speaker


Jeffery Onyang

 - Jeffery Onyang

Jeffrey is the Manager of Paid Acquisition at Zumper, a real estate rental search engine.

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    Part 1Career Day: Going from CPG to Tech Startups (Jeffery Ouyang // Zumper)

    Today we're going to discuss career development in marketing and technology with Jeffrey Ouyang, who is the manager of paid acquisition at Zumper, a real estate rental search engine. Prior to working at Zumper, Jeffrey has worked in a variety of different marketing roles for various startups in Silicon Valley, building out his toolkit along the way.