Increasing sales with powerful email marketing

Brian Minick, Chief Operating Officer at ZeroBounce, delves into maximizing email marketing effectiveness. Despite people saying email is “dead,” email marketing remains the fastest and most cost-effective way to get your message in front of your audience. But with inboxes overflowing and competition fierce, crafting emails that resonate and convert requires more than just a catchy subject line. Today, Brian discusses increasing sales with powerful email marketing.
About the speaker

Brian Minick


 - ZeroBounce

Brian is Chief Operating Officer at ZeroBounce

Show Notes

  • 02:11
    The role of A B testing in refining email marketing strategies
    A/B testing involves sending two different versions of an email to different segments of the audience to see which performs better in terms of open and click-through rates. By identifying the winning version, marketers can refine their email marketing campaigns.
  • 03:12
    The significance of inbox testing
    Inbox testing reveals whether your messages land in the inbox, spam folder, or are blocked across different email providers. Marketers can optimize their campaigns by analyzing these outcomes across different email providers to maximize inbox deliverability.
  • 07:45
    Email marketings role in the multi channel buyer journey
    ZeroBounce follows an 80/20 rule, where 80% of emails are informative and 20% are promotional. Despite misconceptions about its decline, email marketing remains highly effective and cost-efficient, with companies doubling down on its usage due to its proven effectiveness.
  • 11:20
    Best practices to drive revenue through email marketing
    Start by scrubbing your email list to remove inactive addresses and bad data. Additionally, ensure your infrastructure is optimized by setting up DMARC while adhering to best practices in data collection and message delivery.
  • 12:51
    The importance of setting up DMARC
    DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a security protocol. It ensures email authentication by aligning SPF and DKIM records, preventing spoofing, and helping receiving mail servers decide what to do with failing messages.
  • 14:33
    Email list segmentation and messaging strategies
    Crafting segmented messaging involves mapping out customer journeys and creating "if-then" scenarios to tailor messages based on recipient actions. Examples include breakup campaigns to re-engage disinterested subscribers.


  • "Email marketing is by far the cheapest form of marketing. There's no cheaper way to get a message in front of somebody." - Brian Minick

  • "Ive been hearing that email marketing is dead for 15 years. But I haven't seen a decrease in the no. of emails sent per year. Everyone is doubling down because of the effectiveness and the ability to get it out quickly." - Brian Minick

  • "With this new stuff that's happened here in February with Google and Yahoo, you must have DMARC setup. If you are not set up on DMARC, you're going to be in the spam folder if you're not already." - Brian Minick

  • "Clean your email list up. There are too many bots and bad data points coming in, especially if you've ever purchased data and now it's mixed into your data set. You have to go clean this stuff up and remove the bad emails." - Brian Minick

About the speaker

Brian Minick


 - ZeroBounce

Brian is Chief Operating Officer at ZeroBounce

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