Attribution vs Contribution to value marketing growth

Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed, Darrell Alfonso, delves into the nuances of attribution versus contribution to value marketing growth. Unpacking the importance of understanding the impact of marketing efforts on business success, Darrell sheds light on how to navigate the complexities of measuring marketing effectiveness. Tune in to gain insights on optimizing marketing strategies for sustainable growth.
About the speaker

Darrell Alfonso


 - Indeed

Darrell is Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Recognition of marketing value and revenue by C suite.
    Discussion on the evolving recognition of marketing efforts by company leadership.
  • 02:45
    Quantifying impact on growth and revenue sales.
    Exploring methods to measure marketing impact on business growth and revenue.
  • 05:10
    Observations on marketing funnel activities.
    Insights on the shift between upper and lower funnel marketing activities.
  • 08:20
    Measurement techniques in the marketing funnel.
    Comparison of Attribution and Contribution techniques in quantifying marketing value.
  • 11:40
    Strengths and weaknesses of Contribution vs Attribution techniques.
    Analysis of the pros and cons of Contribution and Attribution measurement methods.


  • "In really good companies, you have such a nice marriage of product and marketing where the product is being built in a way to attract and service users." - Darrell Alfonso

  • "What many marketers get wrong about marketing attribution is they think that there's going to be this model that helps them solve the underlying question of their business of how marketing is doing." - Darrell Alfonso

  • "Today people are afraid of spam." - Darrell Alfonso

About the speaker

Darrell Alfonso


 - Indeed

Darrell is Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed

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