Attention Measurement in the Real World

CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), Scott McDonald, discusses attention measurement in the real world. The conversation revolved around the evolution of attention measurement in marketing, with a focus on the importance of using science-based approaches. Scott emphasized the need for a combination of art and science, and highlighted the limitations of viewability metrics. He also discussed the challenges of measuring attention, including the need for a consistent methodology and data source, and the importance of differentiating attention from emotion measurement. This episode concludes with Scott stressing the importance of understanding attention as a threshold variable that needs to be met for an ad to be effective.
About the speaker

Scott McDonald

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

 - The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Scott is CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Show Notes

  • 00:04
    Attention measurement in marketing with ARF CEO Scott McDonald.
    Discusses attention measurement in the real world.
  • 04:37
    Attention measurement in marketing, with a focus on the limitations of traditional methods and the growing importance of eye tracking and other physiological measures.
    Historically, understanding attention was through exposure, recall, and surveys; now, eye tracking and other physiological measures are being adopted in real-world applications.
  • 09:05
    Attention measurement methods, inconsistent results, and the need for a consistent methodology.
    The ARF data science team analyzed how different methods of attention measurement aligned with companies' perceptions of ad success
  • 12:32
    Attention in advertising, importance of creative and brand association.
    Emphasizes the importance of both art and science in marketing, citing trial and error as a key aspect of the field.


  • "It certainly has become fashionable, I would say, and an expanding area of practice to try to measure attention in the real world, the tools themselves have become more accessible." - Scott McDonald

  • "Our definitions of attention have tended more to follow the available tools; and I think that's true right now as well." - Scott McDonald

  • "For a long time, as long as people have been trying to study attention in the context of advertising, it's not at all clear that attention is anything more than a threshold variable." - Scott McDonald

  • “The creative still needs to be enjoyable, so humor still is important in many ads.” - Scott McDonald

About the speaker

Scott McDonald

The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

 - The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Scott is CEO and President of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

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