Analytics Week: Data Capture & Storage (Jenn Sturgill // Analytics Angels)

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Sponsored By Knit. Click to get your free consultation today. This week we're taking a deep dive into a subject that's critically important to marketers in every industry, business, and channel of marketing: analytics. Joining us is Jenn Sturgill, Founder of Analytics Angels, an analytics agency that helps businesses better extract and understand the information that drives them. Yesterday, we talked about the basic framework for analytics infrastructure, and today we're going to talk about the best practices for data capture and storage.
About the speaker

Jenn Sturgil

Analytics Angels

 - Analytics Angels

Jenn is the Founder of Analytics Angels, an analytics agency that helps businesses better extract and understand the information that drives them.

Show Notes

  • Good Ways to Capture and Store Data
    First, we usually do a tech audit of what business already have and based on that we give recommendations on how to optimize the tools that they already use for data collection.
About the speaker

Jenn Sturgil

Analytics Angels

 - Analytics Angels

Jenn is the Founder of Analytics Angels, an analytics agency that helps businesses better extract and understand the information that drives them.

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