8 keys to cracking the modern corporate narrative

Lindsey Groepper, President of BLASTmedia, delves into corporate PR for B2B companies. Unlike previous generations, millennials, who make up a major B2B buying force, crave connection and purpose when it comes to choosing a vendor, a partner, or a place of work. They want to do business with companies whose values resonate with their own, leaving companies wondering how to build a story that truly connects. Today, Lindsay discusses cracking the modern corporate narrative.
About the speaker

Lindsey Groepper


 - BLASTmedia

Lindsey is President of BLASTmedia

Show Notes

  • 02:38
    The shift in modern corporate narrative
    In today's corporate landscape, there's a growing emphasis on humanizing the brand narrative. This shift acknowledges the influence of millennial buyers and aims to differentiate companies by connecting on a more personal level beyond traditional corporate aspects.
  • 04:32
    Millennials and the buyer experience
    Millennials seek connection, purpose, and alignment of values when choosing vendors, partners, or workplaces. They assess companies based on leadership their interactions and whether their values align when it comes to purchasing decisions.
  • 06:33
    Diversifying spokespeople for authentic corporate storytelling
    Companies must diversify their spokesperson bench beyond just the CEO to resonate with modern audiences and humanize their brand. By featuring leaders of internal initiatives that reflect their values, companies showcase authenticity and can connect with potential clients.
  • 08:56
    Sharing company leader's personal stories to connect with customers
    Another way to connect with potential clients is for CEOs to share personal stories that highlight their values, vulnerabilities, and leadership philosophies. By revealing personal struggles and triumphs, CEOs can build trust and connection with potential buyers, partners, and employees
  • 11:46
    Narrative consistency and distribution across marketing channels
    The marketing narrative has shifted from siloed messages to content consistency across channels. Marketers should focus on repurposing core content pieces into different formats, lengths, and mediums to reach audiences through their preferred channels effectively.


  • "Over 70% of B2B buyers are millennials and they have different expectations in life. So, the way to stand out is through humanizing the brand, which is the central part of this modern corporate narrative." - Lindsey Groepper

  • "Diversify your spokesperson bench. Get out of the CEO-only talk track and start elevating your CHRO, Head of HR, or your DEIB Lead to bring your organizations values to life." - Lindsey Groepper

  • "Millennial buyers want to know who the person leading a company is and what they stand for. To promote that, get the personal stories and vulnerabilities your founder or CEO has overcome to get where they are today." - Lindsey Groepper

  • "Multichannel has been around for a long time. Where marketers need to do a better job is consistency of narrative across channels." - Lindsey Groepper

  • "Consumers have their preferred channels and length of time they're willing to commit to something. When we have something important, we must slice and dice it in as many different formats and mediums as we can." - Lindsey Groepper

About the speaker

Lindsey Groepper


 - BLASTmedia

Lindsey is President of BLASTmedia

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