Aligning your sales & marketing teams through social media

Founder and Director at iKwe, Jadis Tillery, shares insights on empowering growth for businesses seeking investments and driving digital transformation through strategic vision and technology. With over 25 years of experience in various marketing sectors, including Media, Luxury Retail, and B2B SaaS, Jadis specializes in tailoring strategies to meet industry-specific challenges. Notable achievements include generating $1M in a month through internal ambassador networks and leading pioneering initiatives in social media and live broadcasting.
About the speaker

Jadis Tillery


 - iKwe

Jadis is Founder and Director at iKwe

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Leveraging social media platforms for sales and marketing alignment.
    Discussion on utilizing social media to bridge the gap between sales and marketing teams and strategies for effective alignment.
  • 05:15
    Avoiding pitfalls in social media integration for sales and marketing alignment.
    Common mistakes organizations face when integrating social media into sales and marketing alignment and how to prevent them.
  • 10:45
    Utilizing data and analytics from social media for sales and marketing collaboration.
    Exploration of leveraging social media interactions data to optimize collaboration between sales and marketing teams and drive joint decision-making.


  • "We have to understand that there has been a radical shift in terms of consumer behavior and not just with Gen Z that we all want to think about. They're different to us, but actually across the board." - Jadis Tillery

  • "People are just not engaging with people anymore in the ways that we have typically understood how sales and marketing would work. So it becomes incredibly important that sales and marketing are aligned." - Jadis Tillery

  • "It's really important that we understand that sales and marketing need to work very closely together to understand what are the guardrails of approaching social selling." - Jadis Tillery

  • “If you're a B2B marketer, for sure, LinkedIn is going to be your primary channel and potentially you're looking at X or threads.” - Jadis Tillery

About the speaker

Jadis Tillery


 - iKwe

Jadis is Founder and Director at iKwe

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