Employing a powerful AI-driven marketing strategy

President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer, Brian Quinn, delves into the realm of employing a powerful AI-driven marketing strategy. By leveraging advanced measurement, data analytics, deep linking, engagement, fraud protection, data clean room, and privacy-preserving technologies, AppsFlyer assists brands in making informed decisions for their business and customers.
About the speaker

Brian Quinn


 - AppsFlyer

Brian is President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Impact of artificial intelligence on marketing strategies.
    Discussion on the current stage of AI implementation and its impact on business operations and strategy.
  • 03:45
    Marketing executives' attitudes towards AI integration.
    Insights into how marketing leaders view AI, their excitement, and the expectations from AI strategies.
  • 07:20
    Utilization of AI for data analysis and copywriting.
    Exploration of the practical applications of AI in data analysis and content creation within marketing.


  • "We're going to see a lot of churn in AI-enabled software products in the coming months." - Brian Quinn

  • A lot of this new generation of general AI models are well suited when you have lots of data and it doesn't have to be perfectly accurate. " - Brian Quinn

  • "A lot of the capabilities measurement and the tools that we develop can be supercharged with AI models. And some of them have existed for years, and the new kind of versions of AI actually make them more powerful." - Brian Quinn

  • “In a recent product that we launched a year ago, we wrapped it with a chat GPT-like interface. So now a business user can ask questions in plain natural language about what's happening to the campaign." - Brian Quinn

About the speaker

Brian Quinn


 - AppsFlyer

Brian is President and GM - North America at AppsFlyer

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