How knowledge friction impacts commerce

Chris Mahl, President and COO at Pryon, delves into navigating knowledge layers and overcoming friction in commerce. Traditionally, marketing has focused on predicting the customer journey and crafting experiences accordingly. However, this approach often creates knowledge friction, where customers struggle to find the information they need, resulting in high drop-off rates and low conversion rates. Today, Chris discusses how knowledge friction impacts commerce.
About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

Show Notes

  • 02:54
    Reducing friction points between prospects and marketers
    Prospects face friction when trying to understand a brand's story, explore its products or services, and navigate purchase and service journeys. With a knowledge fabric, marketers can meet prospects where they are, instantly delivering personalized experiences to their questions.
  • 10:49
    Knowledge fabrics and customer engagement
    CMOs focus on understanding the different paths buyers take to predefine and enhance the buyer's journey. By allowing buyers to define their journey, knowledge fabrics significantly enhance engagement, reducing drop-off rates and increasing conversion rates.
  • 16:38
    CFOs funding knowledge friction
    CFOs unintentionally support friction by investing in systems that predict buyer journeys instead of letting buyers define their path. AI-powered knowledge fabrics eliminate friction, providing the answers to buyers questions and a frictionless journey.
  • 21:42
    Knowledge fabric technology for organizations
    Knowledge fabric technology is currently used by enterprises, but Pryon Labs is an affordable way for individuals to build their knowledge fabrics immediately. A fully self-service version will launch in Q3 for anyone with knowledge friction issues to create a Pryon account.
  • 24:33
    Knowledge fabric technology and data security
    The core principles of Pryon's knowledge fabric technology are safety, security, and scalability. It focuses on organizing and presenting only your existing content, minimizing data security risks, and hallucinations, and ensuring reliability and control.


  • "If the buyer can define the journey a little bit, the level of engagement goes through the roof. Knowledge fabrics are about the buyer only defining the journey." - Chris Mahl

  • "Imagine if all buyers from all points in the buyer journey could follow their path into the customer journey and the repeat customer journey. That's the difference between knowledge fabrics and digital technologies." - Chris Mahl

  • "CFOs are funding knowledge friction because the systems that are there are still predictively trying to architect the dialogue between the buyer and your brand." - Chris Mahl

  • "Let the buyer tell you what the journey is. Then let your systems of record be capitalized on through a knowledge of fabric to meet your buyers where they are in the journey. And they will respond to that." - Chris Mahl

  • "We use LLMs. What we don't do is take your content and blend it out there in the world, then bring it back to you, potentially causing hallucinations. This is all your purpose-built fabric. It's oven buying for your content." - Chris Mahl

About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

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