Strategy alignment vs. tech solutions

Anne Murlowski, VP of Marketing at Terminus, explores revenue optimization strategies. Many businesses rush to implement the latest marketing technology solutions without a clear strategy, resulting in confusion, wasted resources, and failed initiatives. Instead, the key is developing a unified strategy across marketing, sales, and operations, and then ensuring your technology stack supports your goals. Today, Anne discusses strategy alignment versus tech solutions.
About the speaker

Anne Murlowski


 - Terminus

Anne is VP of Marketing at Terminus

Listen to the SaaSy Podcast

Show Notes

  • 02:35
    Strategic alignment vs. tech solutions in marketing
    Achieving alignment among sales, marketing, and operations teams on overarching goals and tactics is essential before considering tech solutions. By ensuring that the chosen technology supports the established strategy, businesses can avoid letting tech dictate strategy.
  • 05:54
    Validating marketing strategies with A B testing
    A/B testing with a small group of target accounts allows marketers to validate strategies before full-scale implementation. Starting small enables a thorough assessment of a strategys effectiveness before making significant investments in technology and resources.
  • 07:50
    Validating strategy and building infrastructure for ABM
    To avoid wasting resources, validate strategies before scaling, especially in ABM where alignment across sales and marketing is essential. Starting small allows for proof of concept, organizational buy-in, and successful strategy implementation.
  • 09:45
    Essential tech solutions for marketing strategy implementation
    Essential tech solutions include a CRM and a marketing automation platform that seamlessly integrates. Additionally, having someone with expertise in launching ads, alongside CRM and marketing automation capabilities enables basic ABM testing for validating proof points.
  • 11:30
    The importance of data warehousing for future growth
    While data warehousing isnt table stakes for beginners, it is crucial for companies exceeding $5 million in revenue. Building a robust dataset early allows for advanced analytics, and cross-sell/upsell insights, and supports future data-driven decision-making.


  • "For a lot of businesses, the piece of the puzzle in strategy that's often missing is, who is it that I'm going after and that intent piece." - Anne Murlowski

  • "It's not that a strategy or tactic doesnt work. It's that you weren't utilizing the tech to support the strategy. You were letting the tech tell you the strategy. And that's not the same thing." - Anne Murlowski

  • "If you start small, you can validate a strategy before you get all the way into investing half a million dollars in tech." - Anne Murlowski

  • "If you take one strong AE and one strong SDR, and you work with them on 10 target accounts, and you build out a proof point, they will sell that to everyone else in the organization." - Anne Murlowski

  • "If you can't connect your marketing automation information directly into your CRM, launching a strategy to drive inbound or engagement is going to be very difficult to manage, regardless of how big the test is." - Anne Murlowski

About the speaker

Anne Murlowski


 - Terminus

Anne is VP of Marketing at Terminus

Listen to the SaaSy Podcast
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