Contribution & Attribution model best practices

Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed, Darrell Alfonso, delves into contribution and attribution model best practices. Discover how understanding the nuances of these models can significantly impact your marketing strategies. Darrell shares insights on optimizing your approach to ensure accurate tracking and measurement of marketing efforts. Explore more about this crucial aspect of marketing with Darrell Alfonso from Indeed.
About the speaker

Darrell Alfonso


 - Indeed

Darrell is Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Holistic and accurate valuation of marketing activities.
    Discussion on the best practices for valuing marketing performance.
  • 02:15
    Evolving ROI measurement in complex customer journeys.
    Exploring how ROI measurement needs to adapt to changing customer journeys and leveraging channel synergies.
  • 04:45
    Meeting the need for increased marketing agility.
    Strategies for enabling fast and confident decision-making at both strategic and tactical levels.
  • 07:10
    Evaluating external factors impacting performance.
    Addressing challenges posed by external factors like Covid, data breaches, economy, and regulations.
  • 09:25
    Impact of AI and machine learning on measurement.
    Exploring how AI and machine learning technologies enhance contribution measurement and attribution approaches.


  • "Brand is one of the biggest drivers of job seeker performance, and that is heavily measured by reach and heavily measured by unaided consideration." - Darrell Alfonso

  • "When you look at market mix modeling, it gives you directional information on where to invest large portions of your budget." - Darrell Alfonso

  • "market mix modeling is one of the tools in our toolkit that we're using to figure out where to best invest our budget." - Darrell Alfonso

  • “Great companies have already been leveraging AI in the way of machine learning for some time.” - Darrell Alfonso

  • “Most marketers are not measuring marketing in an incremental way.” - Darrell Alfonso

About the speaker

Darrell Alfonso


 - Indeed

Darrell is Director of Marketing Strategy & Operations at Indeed

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