Prepping for an AI-driven landscape

Allie Kelly, CMO at Intensify, explores the state of AI in marketing. In gearing up for the AI-driven landscape, marketers must focus on a customer-centric approach and strategically adopt technology to empower customers in shaping their journey. Establishing a foundation for collecting contextual data is crucial for effective scaling in the evolving AI landscape. Today, Allie discusses prepping for an AI-driven landscape.
About the speaker

Allie Kelly


 - Intentsify

Allie is CMO at Intensify

Show Notes

  • 02:45
    The AI driven landscape in 2024
    In 2024, the AI-driven landscape is still in its early stages of growth, with technologies like ChatGPT playing a significant role in democratizing capabilities. This development opens new possibilities for building applications and technologies, but data will be crucial.
  • 05:11
    Redefining user interactions with AI
    Despite AI advancements, user interactions predominantly rely on a click-through model. However, emerging technologies empower marketers to create intuitive and seamless experiences based on how the buyer prefers to interact.
  • 09:39
    Embracing data driven creativity in 2024
    Data is the driving force behind creativity in marketing. In this evolving landscape, embrace a flexible mindset and build an adaptable foundation that pivots with business needs and integrates emerging technologies.
  • 13:06
    The role of data and technology in the future of customer centric marketing
    The ability to quickly and meaningfully adopt emerging technologies will be a key factor in the success of marketers. Ultimately, marketers will need to adopt a customer-first mentality where customers dictate their journeys and this will be driven by the right data in context.
  • 16:30
    The future role of marketers in a data driven landscape
    Marketing is evolving into a data science and engineering role, where the focus is on understanding data signals to provide a compelling and relevant buyer journey. The future lies in leveraging semantic data catalogs without storing massive quantities of data.
  • 18:15
    Extracting marketing value from AI in 2024
    Rather than replacing marketers, marketers should leverage AI to enhance their skills. AI empowers us to experiment, rapidly learn from new approaches, and scale or discard them efficiently.


  • "To map the customer journey based on a customer-first mentality, we need the right data in context. Just looking at your first-party data isnt not going to give you the full context needed for scale." - Allie Kelly

  • "With semantic data catalogs, marketing becomes much more of a data science and engineering role than anything else." - Allie Kelly

  • "In 2024, AI's value lies in enhancing, not replacing, marketers. It empowers us to quickly test and learn from new approaches, channels, and theories, enabling rapid scaling or discontinuation as needed." - Allie Kelly

About the speaker

Allie Kelly


 - Intentsify

Allie is CMO at Intensify

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